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APPBP1/UBA3 is the heterodimeric E1 enzyme that conjugates Nedd8 to protein substrates. Nedd8 is conjugated onto the catalytic cysteine residue of UBA3 by formation of a thioester bond in an ATP-dependent reaction. The activated Nedd8 is then passed on to an E2 (Ubc12) to be finally attached to a substrate. Nedd8 is mainly conjugated on Cullins to increase the activity of the Cullin – RING E3 Ub ligases.

Product Name:
>Also Known As:
APPBP1 (NAE1;HPP1; ula-1; A-116A10.1); UBA3 (UBE1C; hUBA3; MGC22384; DKFZp566J164)
>Catalog No.:
25 µg
>Molecular Weight:
APPBP1 (60.2 kDa), UBA (51.8 kDa)
Bacterial recombinant
20 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM βME, 10% Glycerol
See tube label
>Quality Assurance:
~95% by SDS-PAGE, see datasheet for gel image
Store at -80°C; avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles
>PDF Data Sheet:
PDF DatasheetMSDS
>NCBI RefSeq:
NM_003905 (APPBP1); NM_003968 (UBA3)
(Click image to enlarge)

Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE
Lane 1: Molecular weight markers
Lane 2: 5 µg purified APPBP1/6xHis-UBA3

>Shipping Method:
Dry ice shipping
1. Whitby FG, et al. (1998) J Biol Chem 273(52), 34983 – 34991.

2. Osaka F, et al. (1998) Genes Dev 12(15), 2263 – 2268.

3. Walden H, et al. (2003) Mol Cell 12(6), 1427 – 1437.

4. Schulman BA, et al. (2009) Nat Rev Mol Biol 10(5), 319 – 331.
PLX8394 18474743

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer

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Web Site:Medchemexpress


APPBP1/UBA3 is the heterodimeric E1 enzyme that conjugates Nedd8 to protein substrates. Nedd8 is conjugated onto the catalytic cysteine residue of UBA3 by formation of a thioester bond in an ATP-dependent reaction. The activated Nedd8 is then passed on to an E2 (Ubc12) to be finally attached to a substrate. Nedd8 is mainly conjugated on Cullins to increase the activity of the Cullin – RING E3 Ub ligases.

Product Name:
>Also Known As:
APPBP1 (NAE1;HPP1; ula-1; A-116A10.1); UBA3 (UBE1C; hUBA3; MGC22384; DKFZp566J164)
>Catalog No.:
100 µg
>Molecular Weight:
APPBP1 (60.2 kDa), UBA (51.8 kDa)
Bacterial recombinant
20 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 2 mM βME, 10% Glycerol
See tube label
>Quality Assurance:
~95% by SDS-PAGE, see datasheet for gel image
Store at -80°C; avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles
>PDF Data Sheet:
PDF DatasheetMSDS
>NCBI RefSeq:
NM_003905 (APPBP1); NM_003968 (UBA3)
(Click image to enlarge)

Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE
Lane 1: Molecular weight markers
Lane 2: 5 µg purified APPBP1/6xHis-UBA3

>Shipping Method:
Dry ice shipping
1. Whitby FG, et al. (1998) J Biol Chem 273(52), 34983 – 34991.

2. Osaka F, et al. (1998) Genes Dev 12(15), 2263 – 2268.

3. Walden H, et al. (2003) Mol Cell 12(6), 1427 – 1437.

4. Schulman BA, et al. (2009) Nat Rev Mol Biol 10(5), 319 – 331.
GSK2606414 18474780

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer