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te. Since the late gene expression pattern is itself a reliable indicator of competence kinetics and late gene products are the effectors of transformation, the expression pattern of a late gene revealed by a simple LacZ assay in a ComX+ background will best reflect competence development and persistence, even in non-transformable mutants. Using this strategy, with a lacZ transcriptional reporter at the ssbB late gene, we examined mutants defective in additional late genes that are required for transformation. The mutant lacking dprA displayed, as expected, a prolonged late gene expression pattern, whereas mutants lacking cbpD, cibABC, cglEFG, coiA, ssbB, celAB, cclA, cglABCD, cflAB, or radA, exhibited the wild-type pattern of rapid extinction of late gene expression. We further report that closer examination of the effects of DprA on competence regulation revealed that DprA interacts with ComE to control early gene expression but does not affect proteolysis of labile early gene products, while a second, dprA-independent and non-proteolytic, mechanism targets ComX activity during escape from the X-state. Materials and Methods Bacterial Strains, Oligonucleotides, Plasmids, and Culture Media Pneumococcal Exit from Competence selective concentrations: erythromycin, 0.05 mg/ml; streptomycin, 100 mg/ml; kanamycin, 200 mg/ml; and tetracycline, 0.25 mg/ml. CSP1 was obtained as a custom peptide from Mimitopes LLC. Synthetic oligonucleotide primers, purchased from Eurofins MWG Operon, are listed in bench at room temperature overnight. Next day, the cells were spun down again and plated. Creation of strain CP2000. To create the capsule-less strain CP2000 by use of the Janus replacement cassette, CP1250 was transformed with genomic DNA from strain R6J , using kanamycin for selection. One transformant with the correct structure was retained as strain CP1999. MedChemExpress Hexaminolevulinate (hydrochloride) CP1999 was transformed with a donor DNA created by the ligation of two BamHI digested PCR fragments. The first fragment was created by amplifying CP1500 genomic DNA with primers TTM01 and 20830712 TTM02; the second fragment was created by amplifying the same genomic DNA with primers DAM823 and DAM827. A SmR transformant with the correct structure, removing genes between dexB and aliA, was retained as CP2000, after verification by PCR and sequencing of the new junction/ deletion. Construction of parental strains CP2108 and CP2125. The parent strain CP2108 was made by the crosses among three strains: CP2000, CPM7, and CP1415. CP2000, was transformed with CPM7 genomic DNA; a CmR transformant with pEVP3 inserted at ssbB 17496168 and exhibiting CSPdependent b-galactosidase activity was named CP2107. This new strain was further transformed with CP1415 genomic DNA, to incorporate a disrupted comA gene. The disrupted comA gene in an EmR transformant was confirmed by PCR and the strain was named CP2108. Then CP2108 was transformed with CP1359 genomic DNA to make CP2125. Creation of ectopic comXcomW strain, CP1896. To create strain CP1896, two fragments were amplified from CP1372 DNA: one contained part of aga and a complete comX; the second contained a KnR cassette and part of rafE or reference CP1250, but ssbB2::lacZ::ssbB+; SsbB+ SmR CmR Rx, but cps3D hex cps3D malM511 str-1 bgl-1; Hex2 Mal2 SmR Bga2 CP1250, but DcbpD::PcKan; KanR CP1250, but DcibABC::PcKan; KanR CP1250, but DcglEFG::PcKan; KanR CP1250, but DclpC::PCTet; TetR CP1250, but DclpP::PcTet; TetR CP1250, but DdprA::PcKan; Kan R This work This work This work T

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer