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Reated and protracted mice groups had significant increases in chromosomal aberration frequency, compared with control group, because the repairing efficacy of the curcumin models of treatments did not reverse the induced aberrations to the control level (Figures 1 and 2). Qualitatively, the three curcumin models of treatments significantly reduced the frequency of the major aberrations like breaks and fragments. The protracted protocol of treatment was more effective and significantly lowered all types of aberrations as well as polyploids (Table 1). Xanthine oxidase (XO) activity was increased significantly in irradiated group, which was decreased significantly with curcumin-treatment either pre-, post- or both pre- and post–irradiation. However, protracted treatment decreased XO activity more significantly compared to both protected and PubMed ID: treated groups (Figure 3).16 14 SOD U/mg proteina, b, c, d, e12 10 8 6 4 2Control Curcumin Irradiateda, b, c a, b, c, da, bProtectedTreatedProtractedFigure 7 Effect of curcumin on SOD activity in liver tissue of different mice groups. All values are expressed as mean ?S.E., where (n = 6). a Significant difference in comparing with control group. b Significant difference in comparing with curcumin group. c Significant difference in comparing with irradiated (3 Gy) group. d Significant difference in comparing with protected group. e Significant difference in comparing with treated group.Tawfik et al. BMC Research Notes 2013, 6:375 7 of90a, b, c c, d, e a, b, cCAT U/mg protein70 60 50 40 30 20 10Control Curcumin Irradiated Protected a, bTreatedProtractedFigure 8 Effect of curcumin on CAT activity in liver tissue of different mice groups. All values are expressed as mean ?S.E., where (n = 6). a Significant difference in comparing with control group. b Significant difference in comparing with curcumin group. c Significant difference in comparing with irradiated (3 Gy) group. d Significant difference in comparing with protected group. e Significant difference in comparing with treated group.The levels of TBARS and HP (Figures 4 and 5) were increased significantly in irradiated group, which were decreased significantly on treatment with curcumin either pre-, post- or both pre- and post–irradiation. The decrease was more significant in protracted group compared to both protected and treated groups. The levels of non-enzymatic antioxidant; GSH (Figure 6) and enzymatic antioxidants; SOD, CAT and GPx (Figures 7, 8 and 9) were significantly depleted in irradiated group, which were increased significantly on treatment with curcumin either pre-, post- or both pre- and post-irradiation. The protracted treatment was found to be more effective compared to both protected and treated groups. The administration of curcumin pre–exposure reduced apoptosis as measured by DNA-fragmentation (Figure 10, Lane 5). In current experiments, the DNA fragmentation in the mouse liver cells was also recovered14 12 GPx U/mg proteinby the administration of curcumin to treated and protracted groups (Figure 10, Lane 6 and 7). Caspase-3 cleavage was not affected in all groups except the gamma irradiated group (Figure 11, Lane 2).Discussion A dose-dependent spectrum of Quinagolide (hydrochloride) chemical information radiation-induced chromosome aberrations such as dicentrics, translocation and centric ring was recorded for effective radiation dose [24]. Radiation causes a large spectrum of DNA lesions and the ability to activate repairer pat.

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer