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ring both OS and AD differentiation: based on the measured voltage-dependent fluorescence changes, we estimated that Vmem hyperpolarized by a net change of 56 and 74 mV after 4 weeks of OS and AD differentiation, respectively. These trends agree with several comparative analyses in the literature that examine Vmem and ion flux in various cell types and suggest a relationship between depolarization and control of differentiation and proliferation. According 11179435 to these reports, proliferative and relatively immature cells exhibit strongly depolarized membrane potentials, while terminally differentiated quiescent cells exhibit strongly hyperpolarized membrane potentials. Our observation that the process of differentiation was accompanied by a corresponding hyperpolarization in membrane potential is consistent with these data; as the stem cells are moving from their undifferentiated state to a committed phenotype, their membrane potentials shift from values that are characteristic of developing cells towards levels observed in terminally-differentiated, committed, somatic cells. and undetectable levels for K+). Although the suppression of OS-related gene expression persisted after washout of K+ or ouabain treatments, Vmem recovered to similar values as that of untreated OS cells. Altogether, these data show that Vmem Regulates Differentiation Vmem changes and other electrophysiological properties are traditionally studied in excitable cells such as neurons and myoblasts, rather than the non-excitable cells studied here. Interestingly, precursors of excitable cell types exhibit similar Vmem hyperpolarization during development and SB-705498 commitment compared to what we have seen in OS- and AD-differentiated hMSCs. For example, maturation of neuroblastoma cells derived from neural crest cells can be characterized by an ordered expression of currents: a human eag-related K+ channel current and a delayed rectifier K+ channel current are detected at early stages and are and replaced at later stages by a tetrodotoxinsensitive Na+ channel current and an inward rectifier K+ channel current. The changes in current cause the cells to undergo a net Vmem hyperpolarization during maturation. Vmem Regulates Differentiation tiation into neural precursors and myoblasts, Vmem modulation could be an attractive way to improve differentiation into these excitable cell types. To determine whether hyperpolarization is functionally necessary for OS and AD differentiation, we disrupted the membrane potential of differentiating hMSCs and studied the subsequent changes in tissue-specific phenotypes. Membrane potential disruption was achieved by two classic methods: addition of high concentrations of extracellular K+, or addition of the Na+/K+ ATPase blocker ouabain. We used 14530216 two independent methods to ensure that the effect was due specifically to reduction of transmembrane potential, and not side-effects of the individual treatments. Addition of 80 mM to the differentiation medium resulted in marked suppression of the AD markers PPARG and LPL on Day 7 compared to untreated cells. This suppression of AD gene expression continued through Day 22. Lower concentrations of extracellular K+ did not induce the same changes in AD gene expression. The different behavior of cells in low vs. high out in an AD-inducing environment suggests that there is an optimal out at which the resulting depolarization effects a change in AD phenotype, rather than a range of out over which a graded resp

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer