ts showed that myc-APOBEC3 was ��pulled-down��specifically with HA-DND1. In contrast, mycAPOBEC1 and myc-APOBEC2 were not ��pulled-down��by HADND1. These results are evidence that DND1 can associate with APOBEC3 in mammalian cells. This in vivo pull-down of tagged proteins is a second technique used to validate the previous in vitro binding results. Interaction of APOBEC3 to GST-DND1 in vitro is likely because of direct binding of APOBEC3 to GST-DND1 whereas ��pull-down��of myc-APOBEC3 by HA-DND1 from cell lysates suggests interaction of the proteins but which may not necessarily be due to direct binding. Additional co-factors present in mammalian cells could bridge the interactions between the HADND1 and myc-APOBEC3 proteins. To summarize, the in vivo pull down experiment in 293T cells demonstrates that DND1 and APOBEC3 are present in the same protein complexes in mammalian cells. DND1 interacts with APOBEC proteins in vitro The TnT Coupled Reticulocyte Lysate Systems was used to generate methionine-labeled APOBEC proteins in in vitro transcription and coupled translation reactions . For controls, human APOBEC1 and human ACF were also generated by in vitro transcription/translation of cloned expression constructs. The sizes and amount of translated methionine-labeled APOBEC protein products were determined by electrophoreses. To test whether any of the APOBEC family members can interact with DND1 in vitro, methionine-labeled APOBEC proteins were Talampanel incubated with purified GST-DND1 . Glutathione Sepharose 4B beads were then added to the mix. In control reactions, equal amounts of methionine-labeled APOBEC proteins were incubated with beads only. The glutathione Sepharose 4B beads bind to the GST moiety of GST-fusion proteins and should therefore ��pull-down��proteins that associate with GST-DND1. At the end of the incubation period, the Sepharose 4B beads were pelleted and washed to reduce nonspecific binding. The proteins bound to the beads were released into loading dye by heating, prior to electrophoreses. In a second control, methionine-labeled APOBEC proteins were incubated with purified GST protein and beads. These results show that APOBEC3 is able to specifically bind to GST-DND1. Both isoforms of APOBEC3, the 9-exon isoform and the 8-exon isoform, showed specific binding to GST-DND1a and GST-DND1b. The binding of APOBEC3 is specific to the DND1 moiety of GSTDND1 because APOBEC3 did not bind to GST protein or to the beads. Mouse and human APOBEC1 were also able to bind to GST-DND1 but there was significant non-specific binding in the control lanes. Thus, APOBEC1 may also be able to bind to DND1 ��pulls-down��endogenous APOBEC3 from mouse testes We next tested whether DND1 interacts with APOBEC3 in mouse tissues. Both DND1 and APOBEC3 are expressed in adult testes. Because antibodies for immunoprecipitation of DND1 are currently not available, we used purified GST-DND1 to perform in vivo ��pull-down��experiments. We incubated GSTDND1 protein with mouse testes lysate. The GST-DND1 19286921 was then incubated with Sepharose 4B beads to pull down 22827572 GSTDND1 and any associated proteins. The beads were subsequently washed, and then boiled in loading dye prior to electrophoresis and transfer to membranes. To detect APOBEC3, immunoblotting was performed with polyclonal, rabbit anti-mouse APOBEC3 antibody. This antibody detects an epitope in the Nterminus of mouse APOBEC3. Our results showed that GST-DND1a was able to ��pull-down��APOBEC3 from mouse testes. APOBEC3 f