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e cAMP response element. In the placenta, CREB contributes to the regulation of PLGF gene expression. Moreover in cytotrophoblast cells CREB, modulates human chorionic gonadotropin gene-expression by a direct protein-protein interaction with AP-2a. Also, a recent study has shown that hCG added to cytotrophoblast cells lines or to placental explants induces endogenous leptin expression. This induction appears to be mediated by CREB. 8 Transcription Factors in the Preeclamptic Placenta ARNT. ARNT is the beta subunit of the heterodimeric transcription factor, hypoxia-inducible factor 1. HIF-1 is a ubiquitous TF complex NVP-BHG712 biological activity involved in the regulation of the cellular responses to oxygen deprivation. Under normoxic conditions the HIF-1a subunit is constitutively transcribed, translated and hydroxylated at multiple proline residues. This hydroxylation targets HIF-1a for proteasomal degradation. In hypoxia, mitochondria-derived ROS inhibits HIF-1a hydroxylation, enabling nuclear translocation, heterodimerization with the constitutively expressed ARNT, binding to DNA, interaction with the co-activators p300/CBP and subsequent activation of hypoxiaresponsive genes. In the developing placenta ARNT plays a critical role in cell differentiation. Moreover, as a component of the HIF-1 complex ARNT regulates the expression of placental genes responsive to hypoxia. Transcription Factors in the Preeclamptic Placenta Studies in both preeclamptic patients and animal models have revealed the existence of hypoxia in the preeclamptic placenta. Hypoxia in PE, is believed to be the consequence of shallow invasion of the decidua by the cytotrophoblasts resulting in impaired remodeling of the spiral arteries. This leads to reduced uteroplacental blood flow causing placental hypoxia, oxidative stress, and inflammation. The analysis of placental explants and in vitro studies on cytotrophoblasts have shown that several factors involved in the maternal manifestations of the preeclamptic syndrome are transcriptionally regulated by the HIF-1 complex including: Endothelin 1, Endoglin, the antiangiogenic factor sFLT-1, Leptin, and the vasoconstrictors Urotensin II, Urocortin-2 and 17984313 Urocortin-3. Therefore, the fact that the analysis of the promoters of consistently modified genes in PE reveals and over-representation of HIF-ANRT binding sites is consistent with the central role played by hypoxia in the development of PE. RREB1. is a zinc finger TF that binds to 11325787 RAS-responsive elements of gene promoters. In the placenta, RREB1 is expressed in the extravillous cytotrophoblasts were it could be involved in pathological repression of the human leukocyte antigen G. HLA-G is expressed in the human placenta and amnios, and plays an essential role in the maternal tolerance toward the fetus through the inhibition of the NK and T lymphocyte-mediated direct cytotoxicity. Both circulating HLA-G and HLA-G protein expressed in the extravillous cytototrophoblasts are reduced in PE, possibly trough oxidative stress. RREB1 can inhibit expression of HLA-G by binding to RREs within the HLA-G promoter. RREB1 is also involved in the response to cellular stress as it binds to the p53 gene core promoter and up-regulates p53 transcription. One known effect of the oxidative stress in PE is to cause oxidative DNA damage. Thus, it is tempting to speculate that RREB1 could activate p53 gene expression in the preeclamptic placenta. However, at present there are contradictory studies concerning the up-regu

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer