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f heat delivery to improve the reliability of peripheral and central sensitization and the efficacyto-safety ratio. Secondary Hyperalgesia by Repetitive Heat Pain After application of repetitive heat pain stimulation a strong thermal hyperalgesia was observed in the central zone below the thermode head, which is in line with previous studies showing primary heat hyperalgesia after burn injuries. A significant gradual increase of heat pain to repeated conditioning heat stimuli was found, which was already present in the second block of heat stimuli. order I-BET 762 However, there may be confounding factors, namely a slow increase of stimulus efficacy upon fast stimulus repetition, but also pronounced primary afferent fatigue to repeated heat stimuli and some degree of centrally mediated habituation. In line with the assumption of primary afferent fatigue, a prominent loss of warm sensitivity was observed in the conditioned skin area. Heat hyperalgesia developed very early during and slowly mounted towards the end of the repetitive heat stimulation. However, it was seen in full bloom only later at one hour after by testing heat pain to brief heat stimuli. Since heatsensitive nociceptors do not only sensitize, but also exhibit prominent fatigue of action potential discharge during 21150909 sustained or repeated heat stimulation, which needs at least 22441874 ten minutes for full recovery we conclude that the full expression of heat sensitization only becomes apparent, when nociceptor fatigue has fully subsided and thus the sensitization prevails. A gradual development of primary afferent sensitization, which is limited to the stimulated site is the most likely factor contributing to the observed homotopic sensitization,. In agreement with most previous studies no appreciable changes of heat pain thresholds or heat-induced pain ratings to suprathreshold stimuli could be observed in areas adjacent to the conditioned site and strongly argue against the induction of secondary heat hyperalgesia by our model. It is noteworthy, that ratings to suprathreshold pain ratings were more sensitive than heat pain thresholds to detect sensitization. This is consistent with findings in the quantitative sensory testing data base of the German research network on neuropathic pain that suprathreshold pain ratings exhibited less variability and higher reliability than pain thresholds in the same stimulus dimension . There were similar findings in patients with pinprick hyperalgesia. This may suggest that psychophysics of pain using the method of limits impose undue methodological constraints, like lack of sensitivity. Human psychophysical studies should thus not 8 Secondary Hyperalgesia by Repetitive Heat Pain just rely on simple threshold assessment, but aim at understanding the processing of suprathreshold stimuli. A significant increase in mechanical pain sensitivity and pain to light touch was observed in both the central and adjacent skin with similar magnitude probably resulting from a temporal and spatial summation of input from heat-sensitive nociceptors. Mapping mechanical pain sensitivity revealed large areas of secondary hyperalgesia to pinprick stimuli similar to the findings of other studies using different methods of hyperalgesia induction. Both, mechanical pain sensitivity as measured by pain ratings to various pinprick intensities and the area of secondary hyperalgesia were significantly increased in our sample. Notably, they were not correlated as described previously suggesti

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer