o body weight ratios. Echocardiographic measurements showed that cardiac pump function were similar for both groups and no difference in the left ventricular mass. There was no evidence for increased apoptosis in the high-fat diet group as measured by pro- and anti-apoptotic protein levels including Akt phosphorylation, cleaved-caspase 3, BAX and Bcl-2. This was also confirmed by measuring BAX/Bcl-2 ratio and mitochondrial BAX. Overall, apart from high blood triglycerides and cholesterol levels and increased epididymal fat deposits, mice fed high-fat diet did not have obesity associated co-morbidities and had normal cardiac pump function. As this diet does not induce marked body weight and was not associated with any of the known obesityinduced co-morbidities, we shall refer to it as non-obesogenic highfat diet. Data analysis Data were analyzed using Prism 5 Version 5.01 software and presented as mean6SEM where appropriate. Data were tested for normal distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and equal variance using the F-test. Student’s t-test was performed on data that were normally distributed and had equal variance. Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction was performed on data that were normally distributed but had unequal variance. The Mann-Whitney test was performed on data that were not normally distributed. Fisher’s exact test was used for categorical data. Two-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni post-hoc test was used on data with two independent variables. Statistical tests were performed as paired or unpaired where appropriate. All statistical tests were performed as two-tailed and a P-value less than 0.05 was assumed to be significantly different. The effect of non-obesogenic high-fat diet on vulnerability of hearts to I/R Hearts subjected to I/R had significantly more infarct volume in the high-fat diet group compared to those in the normal diet group, P,0.01. The pre-ischemic flow rate values were similar for both groups but significantly lower at the end of reperfusion in the high-fat diet group compared to the normal diet group, P,0.05. Results Feeding C57BL/6J mice high-fat 16041400 diet for 20 weeks resulted in elevated blood cholesterol and triglycerides and was associated with a small but significant order 14937-32-7 increase in body weight compared to mice fed normal diet. Most of the body weight gain was accounted for in the increased epididymal fat pad weights. The effect of non-obesogenic high-fat diet on vulnerability of cardiomyocytes to metabolic inhibition Superfused cardiomyocytes isolated from mice fed high-fat diet stopped beating and entered rigor during metabolic inhibition at earlier times compared to cardiomyocytes from normal diet mice, P,0.001. Measurement Body Weight Epididymal Fat Pad Weight Blood Cholesterol Blood Triglycerides Non-Fasting blood Glucose Area Under the IPITT Curve Wet Heart Weight/Body Weight Dry Heart Weight/Body Weight Normal Diet 31.260.2 0.5360.02 3.2560.20 120615 9.2660.64 13326149 0.7060.13 0.10860.06 High-Fat Diet 32.260.3 1.1960.11 5.0660.52 205626 7.5460.72 13496186 0.6860.20 0.10860.012 IPITT = intra-peritoneal insulin tolerance test. 23742272 Data are presented as mean6SEM. = P,0.001 and = P,0.05 vs. normal diet. Numbers shown in parenthesis indicate number of mice used except for cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose where n refers to number of measurements each containing a pool of 3 samples from 3 separate mice. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0100579.t001 5 Non-Obesogenic High-Fat Diet and Cardiac Remodeli