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r paxillin within the cell, while liprin-a1 negatively affects the accumulation of endogenous GIT1 at FAs without affecting the localization of paxillin at these sites. We have been able to show the interaction between GIT1 and its two partners only by using GIT1 deletion mutants corresponding to an ��activated��form of GIT1. It could be envisaged that endogenous GIT1 is locally activated in the cell by so far unknown mechanisms, which would allow then the interaction of GIT1 with the distinct partners during different phases of cell edge protrusion. Our findings show that GIT1 and its partner liprin-a1 are both required for the reorganization of the cell edge during spreading on extracellular matrix, since depletion of either protein causes a similar inhibition of cell spreading on FN. The inhibitory effects observed on spreading are not additive after silencing both proteins, while the positive effects of liprin-a1 overexpression on spreading and migration can be prevented by the downregulation of endogenous GIT1. These observations support the hypothesis that the two proteins cooperate in the same pathway during COS7 cell motility. In conclusion, the data presented in this study lead us to propose a model in which the alternative binding of liprin-a1 or paxillin to GIT1 plays distinct roles in different phases of the protrusive activity of the cell. It will be interesting to test in future studies the hypothesis that GIT1 and liprin-a1 play distinct, possibly sequential roles during protrusion by specifically addressing the role of each of the two scaffolds in the sequence of events leading to cell edge protrusion. Materials and Methods Antibodies The antibodies used in this study were as follows: monoclonal antibodies anti-FLAG M5 and M2, anti-talin, and antitubulin; anti-HA 12CA5, antiMyc 9E10; anti-paxillin, anti-GIT/ PKL, anti-LAR recognizing the 150 kDa form, and mAb 9EG7 recognizing activated human b1 integrins Transfected cells were replated on 10 mg/ml FN for 50 min to allow spreading, and then monitored for motility for 2.5 h by taking one frame every 5 min. The upper panels show cell tracks from cells transfected with the indicated constructs. The lower panel shows the quantification of different parameters of random migration including cell tracks, Euclidean distance, path rate, Euclidean rate and persistence of migration. N = 180 cells per experimental condition; P,0.05. Transwell migration assays with cells transfected with GFP, GFP-liprin-a1, or GFP-liprin-DCC3. Bars are normalized means 6 SEM; P,0.05; P,0.01. Transwell migration assays with cells cotransfected with the indicated combinations of siRNAs and plasmids. Bars are normalized means 6 SEM; P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020757.g005 Laboratories, San Jose, CA). Polyclonal antibodies antiFLAG and anti-actin; anti-FAK and anti-GIT1; pAbs for bPIX, GIT1, GIT2, and liprin-a1 were described previously. FITC- and TRITC-conjugated phalloidin were from SigmaAldrich. DNA constructs and siRNAs Several constructs derived from GIT1 were cloned into the pFLAG-CMV2 vector or into the pBK-haemagglutinin vector derived from pBK-CMV. Full length, deletion mutants, and fragments of liprin-a1 were cloned into the pFLAGJune 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | e20757 Liprin-a1 and GIT1 Regulate Migration CMV2 and the pcDNA3.1. The cDNA for GIT1-C2 was cloned into the pQE60ZZ vector, derived from pQE60 including the sequence coding for a ��ZZ��tag, to obtain the IC261 web pQE60ZZ-GIT1-C2 plasmid. SiRNA

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Author: Adenosylmethionine- apoptosisinducer